How To Win Training Grants- Funding For Training Workers

Grants for Training Workers

Training grants are money that is available from the government and other organizations to pay for training worker’s to give them new skills and to teach others how to instruct. Grants for training are available through the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Employment and Training Administration (ETA) which provides funds for job training and employment. The federal government primarily sets funds aside to give to state and local agencies that provide training funds to organizations and businesses. The Department of Labor recently announced that the fees employers pay to bring foreign workers into the U.S. will now be used to train American workers as part of a $160 million grant program the DOL is undertaking to help businesses hire high skilled American workers instead of relying on foreign workers. The grants will be made available to 36 private-public partnerships joint programs which involves 20 states and the District of Columbia. Funds for training can be found by going to the government’s website.


The USDA provides training grants for training children and parents about nutrition.

The USDA gives small grants to grantees such as schools and non-profit organizations for training their employees to hold nutrition and food programs in their own communities to each parents and child good nutrition habits.

The National Institute of Health (NIA)

The NIA also gives health training grants to organizations to train employees to help with assisting senior citizens regarding health care. To find out more about the grants, you can visit the NIA’s website.


OSHA provides grants through its Susan Harwood Training Grants Program to non-profit organizations to help them with training and education programs for work safety and health safety hazards prevention at workplaces. Grants are awarded under training categories and trading materials development.

State Agencies

State agencies also give training grants for workplace safety and hazards prevention, green training and energy efficiency as well as educational training and other grants to small businesses for training and job creation as well. Firefighter grants, EMS grants and police officer training grants may also be available. The best way to find out about state agency grants is to visit your local state website.

Due to tough economic times, training grants are in high demand. There is always a lot of competition for training grants so it is a good idea to apply to multiple grant opporntuties to increase your chances of getting funding. Follow the funder’s guidelines, and provide the supporting documentation that the funder requests. Be sure to complete the entire application so it does not get rejected, and submit it on or before the deadline.

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